You have questions about our products or our company?
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about our company and the processes.

Our products

Our concept is a coordinated product range for the interaction between the brain, intestines and
Skin This means that the ingredients are coordinated and that we do not exceed the recommended daily dose in total. With the daily dose, we take into account that people also consume nutrients through their normal food.

Yes, as well as lactose-free, gluten-free and suitable for allergy sufferers

Our body can process long, gradual degradation processes until pain suddenly occurs after 20-30 years. However, damage to an organ or vessel had already begun decades earlier. Likewise, you will not notice any health effects if you eat an apple or vegetable soup. By continuously taking it, you are making an important contribution to your body. Of course, this does not replace a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

There are over 50,000 studies on the subject of a healthy microbiome that demonstrate the benefits. We have linked links to important studies directly on the product pages.

Less is often more. Our three products are optimally matched to each other. Our three products are optimally matched to each other. Our three products are optimally matched to each other.

Shop and order

You can order all products from our shop If you need help, please contact us at team@balanzrock.com.

You can find the exact prices here

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Yes You can offer our products in your own online shop. Please ask us beforehand and coordinate with us. So that you get the right pictures etc. The best thing to do is to link an image or product to your Affiliate partnerlink. If you have any further questions, just contact us at team@balanzrock.com

nutritional supplement

If you eat a balanced and nutritious diet, you usually do not need any substitution.
However, our modern lifestyle can lead to deficiency symptoms due to lack of exercise, stress and a lack of nutritious food in our food, so that a targeted and balanced substitution can be very helpful.

Many suppliers advertise that consumers consume up to 5 kg of fruit with a single smoothie. That sounds healthy at first. However, we are not able to consume 5 kg of fruit through normal food.

When we talk about a healthy diet, we talk about a balanced diet. We believe that a balanced diet consists of foods that are exclusively harvested directly from the ground and not produced in factories. This balanced diet should then be supplemented by a coordinated concept with nutraceuticals.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Sind die Produkte aufeinander abgestimmt?
  • Sind die Produkte organischen und nicht chemischen Ursprungs?
  • Wie sieht es mit Füllstoffen und Zucker aus?
  • Ist die Zusammensetzung der Inhaltstoffe sinnvoll?

Very good, that’s the right way. We not only offer a product with probiotics, but focus on a coordinated concept for the brain, intestine and skin axis.

Many providers are currently outdoing themselves by advertising the most bacteria in one capsule. As Paracelsus said: “The dose alone makes a thing not poison.”

A study* shows that there is currently no definitive proof that more bacteria help more or is even a quality criterion.

One billion (1×109) represents the lowest limit**. We deliberately chose a low number (4.9 x109) because we want to support your body. We guarantee that this number will be included in each daily dose until the end of the best-before date. High to extremely high doses, as they are often offered, certainly have their right to exist in the case of manifest diseases in the intestinal area. Here, a high to very high dose may be required to rebuild the ailing microbiome. But please then under medical supervision and guidance.

*Ouwehand AC. A review of dose-responses of probiotics in human studies. Benef Microbes. 2017 Apr 26;8(2):143-151. doi: 10.3920/BM2016.0140. Epub 2016 Dec 23. PMID: 28008787.


The company

You can get extensive information here on the website. If you have any further questions, please send us an email to team@balanzrock.com.